Archive year 2017

31 December 2017 | From UNICA

11 December, 2017 – 12:15

Happy holidays from UNICA!

On the occasion of the holiday season, we pause to say thank you for your ongoing support and involvement in UNICA activities. We wish you and your loved ones all peace and joy during the holiday season and throughout the New Year!Read more

27 November, 2017 – 16:09

Invitation to the Conference “Embedding Digital into Societal Challenges”, Brussels, 7 December 2017

The Estonian Research Council and Estonian Ministry of Education and Research have the pleasure to invite you to the Estonian Presidency Conference “Embedding Digital into Societal Challenges”. The event with…Read more

23 November, 2017 – 12:53

UNICA welcomes three new Member Universities!

During the 27th UNICA General Assembly, hosted by Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, 16-17 November 2017, UNICA welcomed three new Member Universities: Carlos III University (Madrid, Spain), Igor Sikorsky Kyiv…Read more

22 November, 2017 – 13:28

Professor António Rendas distinguished by the President of Portugal

Professor António Rendas, former Rector of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa and Member of the Steering Committee of UNICA, was awarded by the President of the Portuguese Republic Marcelo Rebelo de…Read more

21 November, 2017 – 11:06

New UNICA Steering Committee elected!

UNICA is pleased to announce the election of the new members of the UNICA Steering Committee (2018-2019): Prof. Jolanta Choińska-Mika (Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Quality of Teaching, University of…Read more

14 November, 2017 – 14:14

UNICA joins the Steering Committee of the Open Source University Alliance

UNICA, along with other prominent university networks including Coimbra Group and YERUN, has joined the Steering Committee of the Open Source University Alliance. The initiative, launched by European University Foundation,…Read more

29 August, 2017 – 12:19

Seminar EU-China university research collaboration: Collective Leadership, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 29 September 2017

The Confucius Institute at Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the LEAD project consortium invites you to the Seminar EU-China higher education research collaboration: Collective Leadership , which will take place at…Read more

28 August, 2017 – 18:37

Call for book chapters: University Governance and Academic Leadership in Europe and China (extended deadline for abstracts: 20 September)

Call for book chapters: University Governance and Academic Leadership in Europe and China Introduction Currently, universities have to cope with various pressures from the changing modern society, such as the…Read more

28 August, 2017 – 17:32

Call for a Communications trainee (UNICA Secretariat, Brussels, Belgium)

If you are a Master student interested in gaining hands-on experience in the area of communications and event management in an international NGO, apply for a traineeship at the UNICA…Read more

18 July, 2017 – 16:38

MappED! Project Final Conference, Brussels, 30 August 2017

The Final Conference of the MappED! Project – Providing Equal Opportunities to Students with Disabilities for their Participation in the Erasmus+ Programme will take place at the European Economic and…Read more

18 July, 2017 – 16:14

The launch of MappED! platform for inclusive student mobility

The Erasmus Student Network has recently launched MappED! – the platform for inclusive student mobility . MappED! Is a unique repository where students with disabilities can find all relevant information…Read more

10 July, 2017 – 13:04

Meet the new Chairs of the UNICA GREEN Working Group!

UNICA GREEN Working Group is happy to present its new Chairs: Rebecca Lefevere , Coordinator of Environmental Care, Mobility and Sustainable Development at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, and Delphine Douçot from…Read more

23 June, 2017 – 15:42

UNICA GREEN Mapping Exercise: Invitation for UNICA Members

UNICA GREEN Working Group was established in 2011 as a result of the UNICA Student Conference in Rome. The goal of the initiative was to provide a platform for the…Read more

16 June, 2017 – 13:27

SAVES2 project kicks off!

SAVES2 (Students Achieving Valuable Energy Savings 2) is a project run within the framework of the EU Horizon 2020 funding stream and builds on the widely acknowledged project SAVES ,…Read more

16 June, 2017 – 11:44

Final Conference of the Erasmus Without Paper project, Brussels, 26 September 2017

The Erasmus Without Paper (EWP) project’s Final Conference : Student data portability for mobility students – the future will take place in Brussels, 26 September 2017. Background and target audience…Read more

12 June, 2017 – 18:21

SAVE THE DATE & REGISTER: HousErasmus+ Conference: “At home in Europe: Accommodate international students!” Brussels, 21-22 September 2017

SAVE THE DATE! The HE+ project Final Conference: At home in Europe: Accommodate international students ! will take place in Brussels, 21-22 September 2017. The Conference will bring together university professionals (International Relations Officers, officers in charge of international welcome desks at universities), housing providers, representatives of municipalities, policy makers and other stakeholders in the field of International student housing to come and discuss together about the best practices in the field and main the challenges international students and trainees face when looking for accommodation abroad.Read more

30 May, 2017 – 15:42

Invitation: First Come Together of the PRIDE Network, Tallinn, 14 June 2017

On behalf of the PRIDE Network: Association of Professionals in Doctoral Education , we are pleased to extend the invitation to the Network’s first come together meeting ! The event…Read more

22 May, 2017 – 18:38

Invitation to ERASMUS+ Impact Survey

On behalf of the European Commission we would like to invite UNICA Member Universities as higher education institution participating in Erasmus+, to share their opinions and experience and to contribute…Read more

10 April, 2017 – 11:57

Message following the attack in Stockholm

On Friday 7 April, terrible news came in from Stockholm where a hijacked truck deliberately drove at speed into a pedestrian street, leaving four people dead and at least 15…Read more

7 April, 2017 – 15:58

UNICA supports the EUA statement on the situation of the Central European University in Hungary

UNICA, EUA associate member, fully supports the statement of European University Association issued following the adoption of legislation intended to restrict the activities of the Central European University by the…Read more

6 April, 2017 – 12:10

5th EWORA European Women Rectors Conference, Brussels (Solvay Library), 29-30 May 2017

The 5th EWORA European Women Rectors Conference: Pivoting on Gender Equality through the lens of Leadership: Policies, Strategies and Actions will be held in Brussels (Solvay Library), 29-30 May 2017…Read more

4 April, 2017 – 16:37

Message following the attacks in London and Saint Petersburg

On 22 March 2017, one year after the terrorist attacks in Brussels, an atrocious attack took place in Westminster, London, leaving 5 people dead and about 50 injured, some of…Read more

11 January, 2017 – 13:02

EuNIT “European project desigN and management In the South MediTerranean region” kicks off in Marseille, 30-31 January 2017

The Kick-Off Meeting for the ERASMUS + Capacity Building in Higher Education project EuNIT “European project desigN and management In the South MediTerranean region” will take place on 30-31 January…Read more

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