MP4s – Mindfulness Practices for Students in Society

MP4s is an Erasmus+ funded project.


The MP4s project aims to support students to tackle their emotional difficulties through mindfulness practices and training, fostering compassionate care of self, others and the planet within higher education institutions. This will be achieved by promoting soft skill competencies and with the endeavor to accelerate social and climate transition. The project will provide an open access set of resources for students, teachers, and faculties, allowing mindful practices and training to be weaved into any course, supporting students’ well-being and enabling them to act for and on behalf of the planet and others.

Project activities & objectives

  • European survey to understand the main challenges and concerns faced by students in 2022 and a survey of the existing mindfulness practices in education.
  • Creation of the first Mindfulness Toolbox for Faculties and Students to facilitate the journey towards an engagement rooted in mindfulness.
  • Elaboration of SIT4PLANET, a generic syllabus that enables university stakeholders to embed mindfulness practices in any course and campus activities.
  • Production of a comprehensive system as it is a cornerstone for the recognition and certification.
  • Recommendations for higher education institutions to promote the inclusion of mindfulness practices in the curricula (led by UNICA)
  • Public Policy Recommendations to include Mindfulness Practices in society

Useful information

Project number: 2021-1-FR01-KA220-HED-000027504


  Associate partners: University of Warsaw (PL, UNICA member), University of Granada (ES), Agrianto (IT), Agence Française de Développement (FR).

MP4s – Mindfulness Practices for Students in Society

Project info

From 01 November 2021
to 31 October 2024


Project Coordinator

Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle